Thursday, July 30, 2009


I'm taking a break from information overload today. I want you to take a look at some of these Paleo success stories:
  • This guy was overweight and had multiple health issues. He documented his year long Paleo adventure. Make sure you read his day 1 entry and his final entry. Impressive, motivating stuff!
  • Take a look at these people who had great success and all tried Paleo for different reasons.
  • This middle aged guy just wanted to lose some weight and changed his life.
Now, remember I said I am not doing this to lose weight. I would like to lose fat. Who wouldn't? You can only know how far you have come if you know where you started. Try to find a fat caliper before Saturday and measure your body fat percentage. I will bring mine to the gym today and Friday. At the end of the month we can check again and see how much body fat we have dropped! Also, hop on the scale and get a starting weight. Keep track of your progress. Document how you are sleeping, how you feel when you wake up, when you are the most hungry and what foods satisfy you the most. If it helps you to write down what you eat every meal then do it. Whatever helps you stay on it. Hopefully you'll see improvement in your WOD times and your recovery day to day. It is going to be exciting!

"Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are." - Anthelme Brillat-Savarin


  1. Hi Ginny. You may have already read this, but I was researching how to eat before long runs and found this in the Paleo Diet for Athlets by Dr. Cordain. Thought you might be interested.

    Serious athletes, however, when it comes to immediately before, during, and directly
    after workouts, need to bend the rules of the Paleo Diet a bit since we're placing
    demands on the body that were not normal for our Stone Age ancestors. Hour after
    hour of sustained high energy output and the need for quick recovery are the serious
    athlete’s unique demands. This requires some latitude to use nonoptimal
    foods on a
    limited basis. The exceptions may best be described by explaining the athlete’s 5
    stages of daily eating relative to exercise.
    Stage I: Eating Before Exercise
    In brief, we recommend that athletes eat low to moderate glycemic index
    carbohydrates at least two hours prior to a hard or long workout or race. There may
    also be some fat and protein in this meal. All foods should be low in fiber. Take in 200
    to 300 calories for every hour remaining until exercise begins. If eating two hours
    prior is not possible, then take in 200 or so calories 10 minutes before the workout or
    race begins.
    Stage II: Eating During Exercise
    During long or hard workouts and races you will need to take in high glycemic index
    carbohydrates mostly in the form of fluids. Sports drinks are fine for this. Find one
    that you like the taste of and will drink willingly. Realize that events lasting less than
    about an hour (including warmup)
    don’t require any carbohydrate. Water will suffice
    for these. A starting point for deciding how much to take in is 200 to 400 calories per
    hour modified according to body size, experience and the nature of the exercise
    (longer events require more calories than short).
    Stage III: Eating Immediately After
    In the first 30 minutes postworkout
    (but only after long and/or highly intense
    exercise) and postrace
    use a recovery drink that contains both carbohydrate and
    protein in a 45:
    1 ratio. You can buy a commercial product such as Ultrafit
    Recovery™ ( for this. Or you can make your own by blending 16
    ounces of fruit juice with a banana, 3 to 5 tablespoons of glucose (such as CarboPro)
    depending on body size, about 3 tablespoons of protein powder, especially from
    egg or whey sources and two pinches of salt. This 30minute
    window is critical for
    recovery. It should be your highest priority after a hard workout or race.
    Stage IV: Eating for Extended Recovery
    For the next few hours (as long as the preceding challenging exercise lasted)
    continue to focus your diet on carbohydrates, especially moderate to high glycemic
    load carbohydrates along with protein at a 45:
    1 carbprotein
    ratio. Now is the time to
    eat nonoptimal
    foods such as pasta, bread, bagels, rice, corn and other foods rich in
    glucose as they contribute to the necessary carbohydrate recovery process. Perhaps
    the perfect Stage IV foods are raisins, potatoes, sweet potatoes and yams.
    Stage V: Eating for LongTerm
    For the remainder of your day, or until your next Stage I, return to eating a Paleo Diet
    by focusing on optimal foods. For more information on the Paleo Diet go to or read The Paleo Diet by Loren Cordain, Ph.D.

  2. Thanks Paige! I have been meaning to pick up this book as well. Good info!
